CRT Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur


Customer : CRT Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Year : Since 2020

The Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Regional Tourism Committee (CRT Sud) aims to promote and enhance the tourist offering of the region.

As the second largest region in France for culture and tourism, it comprises three destination brands: Provence, the Alps, and the Côte d’Azur. As part of its overall marketing strategy, the CRT Sud’s main objective is to attract international clientele.

In 2018, it initiated a positioning approach for its brands in its two main English-speaking markets on social media. To help attract American and British clientele in an ultra-competitive European environment, the CRT entrusted us with its social media strategy on Facebook and Instagram. Our common goal: to turn travel desires into concrete stays in the region.


Firstly, it was important to differentiate between the two American and British markets: despite a common language, they have their own specificities. For example, Americans and British have different levels of affinity with the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, so the tourist offering must be personalized. Two different strategies were thus implemented for Facebook and Instagram.

Two separate Facebook pages

To best address the specificities of both markets, we set up a global Facebook page. It allows for the management of geolocated versions of content, depending on the target audience. Within this structure, two local pages were created: one for the US market and one for the UK market.

The CRT Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur also entrusted us with the management of its two English-speaking pages. Based on our experience, we deemed it essential to have community managers based in the targeted countries and culturally integrated. They really know the market and can adapt to its specificities, especially in terms of animation technique (post formats and schedules, tone…). Therefore, two experienced community managers, one based in New York and the other in London, manage them.

Each follows a specific editorial line for their market: the themes, content, tone, syntax, vocabulary… are different.

A bilingual Instagram account

Regarding this social network, we first conducted a destination positioning study. In contrast to the Facebook strategy, a single bilingual (French and English) Instagram account was created.


Before writing the editorial line, we analyzed all the posts made by the CRT Sud over the past 18 months. This allowed us to analyze the performance of the themes covered and identify those that had the greatest impact on both populations.

Specific formats and themes for Facebook

Editorial animation is regularly reviewed to better adapt to different audiences and maximize the CRT’s communications. In-depth analysis of figures (engagement rates, reach rates, audiences, etc.) and feedback from community managers on interactions with fans helps to evolve it.

For example, the British particularly appreciate posts about the art of living, heritage, and culture of the region. In terms of format, the “”4 photos”” visual is the most effective :

Americans are looking for new experiences and contacts with locals. The Alps are a highly sought-after region by the community :

It is important to align the editorial line with the community’s perception of the region. The goal is to maximize interactions between the CRT Sud and its American and British audiences.It is important to align the editorial line with the community’s perception of the region. The goal is to maximize interactions between the CRT Sud and its American and British audiences.

The Instagram feed

On Instagram, the proposed editorial line also corresponds to the CRT’s marketing plan and focuses on promoting the destination’s three brands. This social network allows for highlighting the different territories by playing with the feed grid, publication rhythm, and destination colors :

Provence (lavender) – Alps (green) – Côte d’Azur (blue)


Recruitment campaigns have helped grow the two communities around a common criterion: interest in the South of France.

Sponsored Facebook posts to boost performance

Some posts are sponsored to support editorial animation. They help, for example, to highlight key marketing calendar events (Lemon Festival, Mimosa Road…).

Sponsorship increases the visibility of posts, precisely targets certain sought-after customer segments, and supports engagement.

Instagram stories for engagement

Instagram does not allow for recruiting new subscribers through the ad manager. The goal of the social network is not to push for an increase in the number of subscribers to accounts but rather to focus on highlighting content to the right people.

To grow the community, the stories format is favored to engage users with a call to action encouraging them to subscribe to the account.


Customer testimonial

Beryl Triffaux Social media manager CRT Provence - Alpes - Côtes d'Azur

« We engaged in a Social Media strategy in collaboration with We Like Travel to promote our destination brands internationally. This work with the marketing team and the Community Managers has really helped to make our brands known and boost our communities. The results show that Provence, the Alps, and the Côte d’Azur are attracting our English-speaking clientele. Today, we express the diversity of our region and its brands to our customers and fans by offering them authentic and intense experiences. »