« In a world where a good media mix is not easy, where good content adapted to the target audience is essential, and where budgets are what they are, it is important to surround oneself with experts.
When VISITFLANDERS decided to communicate more through its owned media, it was necessary to find a way to speak “locally” in a “global” context.
Seducing, inspiring, and establishing the destination’s notoriety are the main objectives, not forgetting conversion through concrete offers from our partners. And when we chose to exclude large traditional BtoC campaigns and to prioritize Social Media campaigns, WLT was able to meet these challenges and develop a communication plan.
Seducing and inspiring primarily through Instagram, it is the stories that visually tell an authentic story, essential in the conversation with our fans.
The idea of designing a tourist guide immediately appealed to us. This format valorizes investments in content and extends its lifespan. At the same time, it provides users with a way to consume these mini-guides at any time.
Everyone benefits from it ! »