
The state of social media in the UK – Facebook fans reactions by posts format (5/7)

5907 View(s) 12 December 2018

On Facebook, a destination can communicate thought different formats : status, photos, links, videos. We analyse 16,200 Facebook posts from 68 foreign destinations in the UK for one year.




  • Photos are the formats that generated the most reactions from Facebook fans (37,4%).
  • During the analysed period, 19% of posts were videos. They received 35.5% of the reactions.


Photos and videos still have a strong engaging power for Facebook communities.


  • 1/5 of the posts are links (19.2%). Destinations use this type of format to drive users to additional content on website. This format generates 14.6% of reactions.
  • Status are the formats that generated the few reaction from Facebook fans (12,5%) but this format are not use so much by destinations (0,7%).



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