
The state of Social Media in the UK – Social Media influence on travel bookings (2/7)

7376 View(s) 23 November 2018

Social Media is a great channel to inspire all generations for their next holidays. More and more, Facebook, Instagram and the other social networks influence travel booking. In the UK, a recent study by Expedia Group shows in detail this influence in the traveller’s journey.





Young generation uses social networks more than the boomers and there is an impact on travel. Facebook & Instagram are the most powerful and influential social networks for Gen Z in their trip booking process (50% and 40% respectively).


Instagram is a game changer for travel influence: 46% of Gen Z and 29% of Millenials say they find inspiration on Instagram when booking a trip.


In contrast, 82% of Boomers and 61% of Gen X say that social media does not influence them.


Twitter, Pinterest and Snapchat have a lesser influence. 20% of Gen Z says that these social networks influence them. In opposite, Gen X and boomers are not.


Social Media becomes very useful, not only to inspire, but also to sell travel products and destinations.



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Top 5 Social Media Platforms (1/7)

Travellers vs. Facebook fans (3/7)

Evolution Engagement Facebook UK (4/7)

Facebook fans reactions by posts format (5/7)

Travel destinations share photos on Instagram (6/7)



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