
The state of social media in the UK – Travel destinations share photos on Instagram (6/7)

5151 View(s) 19 December 2018


23 million people use Instagram each month in the UK (Q3 2018). The social network is growing quickly (+3M users between 2017 and 2018). For travel destinations, it is a real opportunity to communicate on this social network and to reach their targets.


Instagram is the best platform to share beautiful pictures. Anyway, more and more users draw inspiration from posts.






We analysed a panel of 51 foreign destinations on Instagram from October 2017 to September 2018. To no one’s surprise, 86% of the Instagram posts are photos.


9% of the Instagram posts are videos. This format is much difficult to make and requires more effort. Finally, 5% of the Instagram posts are carousels, a format less well-known.



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